Production process

Calcium carbide or language generally carbide produced in an electric furnace based on chemical reactions:

Cao + 3C → CAC2 + CO - 108000 calories

which is a alternating reaction and requires heat (endhothermis). The raw materials used are CaO (grilled lime) and carbonization ingredients (Hard Coke, Anthracite Coal, Petrolium Coke, Charcoal). With a certain chemical and certain ratio will be produced calcium carbide (CaC2) high quality.

Specification Burst lime is produced from a certain size limestone (30-60mm) in a vertical combustion kitchen with a capacity of 80 tons/day, through direct burning that uses the newly processed limestone natural gas fuel sent through tires running to 2 pieces of grilled limestone tanks , after going through filtering to separate small limestone (less than 6mm). Some carbonated ingredients are used hard coke with a size of 5-25mm. Coke is also sent via tires walking into 2 capacity coke storage tanks 45m3. After weighing, the fuel lime and coke that has been mixed together is sent from the daily reservoir (day bin) to the electric furnace (burning furnace). Then this mixture is put into an electric furnace according to needs through the charging funnel. The mixture of grilled lime and coke is melted in an electric furnace at high temperatures, namely 2.000 - 2.100oC into a form of calcium carbide fluid.

This electric furnace is equipped with 3 determination holes. Melting carbide is tapped from the determination hole every 1 hour in sequence. Hot carbide is accommodated in a capacity of 1,300 kg. After being cooled for 16 hours, then the chunks of carbide are broken down and packaged in steel drums measuring 0-2, 2-4, 4-30 and 30-80 mm.

Proses pembuatan drum untuk karbit

Specification MDQ carbide from PT Emdeki Utama Tbk is packaged in a steel drum with a capacity of 100 kg (net), which is designed so that it can be sealed efficiently and can be stored for a long time. To ensure the timeliness in shipping carbide to the buyer, our factory is equipped with a high -speed drum -making machine and is able to produce 800 drums/day. The design and size of the drum are adjusted using Japanese measuring standards. For export purposes, MDQ drums have international standard (United Nation's standards for dangerous cargo packing) for dangerous goods packaging.

Power Supply

To support carbide production activities, electricity is needed with very high strength. In this framework, PT Emdeki Utama Tbk consumes more than 100 million KWH electricity per year which is supplied directly by PLN with a power of 17.5 MVA (15.5 MW).

Proses pembuatan drum untuk karbit

In addition, PT Emdeki Utama Tbk also has a Combined Cycle Power Plan (CCPP) with a capacity of 16.5 MW that uses advanced technology using natural gas through direct pipes from its source. This CCPP is designed and built by Siemens. With the adequacy of electricity, production activities can take place continuously without stopping so as to ensure the availability of carbide for consumers.